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  A&W ::: Baby Burger
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Source : Clone recipes

  • 1/10 pound ground chuck patty
  • 1 regular hamburger bun
  • 1 Vlasic® hamburger dill slice
  • 2 teaspoons ketchup
  • 1 teaspoon yellow mustard
  • salt and pepper

  1. Mix the ketchup and mustard together---this is your secret sauce. Preheat an indoor electric barbecue to 400°, or high. Toast the bun faces face down on the grill for 30-45 seconds, just enough to brown slightly.
  2. Cook the frozen beef patty 1½-2 minutes per side (depending on the grill temperature) adding a dash of salt and pepper to each side. Dress the toasted bun (crown side) as follows: secret sauce, spread evenly with a knife pickle slice
  3. Put the cooked beef on the dressed crown, and "top" with the heel. (it will be upside down) Wrap in a 12"x12" sheet of foil, and warm in the oven (200°) 2-3 minutes. Serve hot.

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